Friday 2 December 2011

Women travel the World

Welcome to Women travel the World

Promoting women’s travel businesses
to women travellers around the world

We invite you to discover some amazing accommodation, retreats and tours which especially cater for YOU, the woman traveller.  From women’s hotels in Europe to walking women’s tours in Africa, to luxury pampering spas.

Who is the Woman Traveller?  Who uses this website?
Women travelling alone
"Its great to have a place to stay where I feel safe as well as have some company to share travel stories with"
Single women travellers
"Joining a small women's tour group was fantastic - we had such fun and I tried some things I have never dared try before"
Groups of women friends travelling together
"Our bookclub takes off once a year and loves to stay together in a women's space",
Women who want to get involved with places they visit -
Lesbian travellers
"It was so good to stay in places where we could relax and be ourselves".
Women Travel the World - the Network...
We offer a network of women owned businesses around the world
who cater especially for women travellers.
Woman Travellers pay nothing for this service, they make direct contact with accommodation or tour providers, so no hidden costs or commissions.  To keep in touch with developments.
Some businesses are for women only, a few lesbian only, others welcome everyone, but offer a special welcome to women travelers. 

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