Thursday 1 December 2011

What Guys Love About Their Women

This brings us to part two of what guys love about their women, as revealed in a large poll done by a leading women’s magazine to determine what can be gleaned by what men mention first about their ladies, what they love and what they find most attractive.
Obviously, you can’t become someone that you are not, but you might be able to make a few minor changes that will help your relationship and make you more appealing to your guy. That might mean displaying your crazy sense of humor more frequently or kissing him every night before he goes to sleep, as part one of this series shared. Nothing major, but both changes could be significant to strengthening your connection to your man.
Here are two more somewhat surprising likes that guys shared about their ladies:
3. Guys love when women make an attempt to understand what matters to men.
Men in the poll responses mentioned frequently that they deeply appreciated their women evidencing some familiarity with what was important to them, whether that be sports or favorite TV shows or movies or whatever your man is into. One guy mentioned that even though his wife had never seen Star Wars, she nevertheless bought him a light saber for his birthday. Amazing love, how can it be? You don’t necessarily need to run out to the store and buy the latest version of your guy’s favorite video game, but if you show at least a little bit of interest in your guy’s passions, he will definitely notice. And, hopefully, he’ll begin (or continue) to show interest in your passions, too.
Another guy said that his wife tries to talk sports with him, and even though she doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, he loves it and never corrects anything that she says. In other words, guys like it so much when you enter into their worlds for a few moments at a time, that even if you make nonsensical comments about those worlds, your man will eat it up. Make an effort to find out at least a little bit about your guy’s hobbies. What can you discover about woodworking? Deer hunting? Tennis? Even a surface knowledge of your man’s favorite pastimes will go deep in communicating to him that you are interested in who he is as a person, and even though you might think his obsession with Star Trek is a little weird, you are not going to judge him for it. What you are basically communicating to your man is that you love him for who he is. That’s always a winning message!
4. Guys love women who help with the navigation.
This should come as no surprise to those who have ridden shotgun while their guy drives. This sometimes testy partnership has been fodder for many a comedy routine and, unfortunately, many a story about a huge fight. The fact is guys like women who do pay a bit of attention while they are on the road together. That doesn’t mean that you have to have eagle eyes every second that your car is zooming down a desolate highway. It does mean that an extra set of eyes can be helpful at crucial times.
Even though the widespread usage of the GPS has changed the vital role of the co-pilot (for the guys who use a GPS, at least), not even a super-sleek electronic navigator can spot all the perils of the road. One guy mentioned that his wife always seems to spot state troopers before he does, which has certainly saved him a hefty amount in speeding fines. Other guys love it when their woman is able to read street signs while they are driving, helping them to figure out where they need to turn. Heck, some guys need a woman around to even understand when he is to turn in obeying the GPS (there are many, many confirmations of this phenomenon).
If you can devote just a few minutes to helping your guy see all that he should as he drives, he will love you for it. Again, he’s not expecting you to be a human GPS, but even a little bit of help can make the difference between him being a very frustrated driver who is again lost and the guy who shows up nice and calm for his first visit with your parents. Your role in the passenger’s seat can make that difference.

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