Tuesday 6 December 2011

What Guys Love About Their Women–Surprising Poll Reveals All, Part One

A recent poll was done among regular guys and a few celebrities to find out what they loved about the women in their lives—wives, longtime girlfriends and other categories of significant others. The results might surprise more than a few women. Guys say that figuring out the female psyche is a challenge; after you read what guys like about their ladies, you might say the same about men. That is because several of these responses would not have been picked if women were given a multiple-choice test about what men want. However, the responses speak for themselves.
Here is a sampling of a couple of trends and conclusions that can be gleaned from the poll. Here are what guys love about their ladies:
1. Guys love tender touches at night, too, and it’s not all about sex.
Who knew? Guys supposedly want to simply have sex, get it over with, then roll over and sleep, their needs entirely met. Yet, the poll indicated that guys like all kinds of non-sexual touches in bed, especially near sleep time. One guy mentioned that his wife always wakes up to kiss him goodnight when he comes to bed, no matter how tired she is or how deeply she seems to be sleeping. That little tender kiss, even while you’re half-asleep, sends a deep message of love to a guy.
Another guy mentioned that no matter where he is located on the couple’s large bed, his wife finds a way to snuggle up against his body. Guys love this! Surprise, surprise—guys like to snuggle, too. They, too, like to be told through non-verbal language that they are desirable and that they are loved.
What changes should you make in those minutes before you fall asleep with your guy, on those nights when you do not have sex? Do you need to give little kisses more frequently? Do you need to establish a routine where you caress then kiss your man each night before you both enter dreamland? Try a little tenderness in bed just before you both fall asleep. According to the responses of the poll, your guy will love it. Guys love to be loved, too, and that can include a whole range of actions apart from sex and foreplay.
2. Guys love your nutty sense of humor.
The poll also showed again and again that men mentioned their ladies’ crazy sense of humor as being something that they adored in their women. So, let it rip! Your unique comic moments will endear you to your guy. We’re, of course, assuming that you both have already established that you love each other deeply. Once you’re safe in that realm, you can do just about anything to be funny, and your guy will appreciate it.
Poll after poll shows that women love men with a good sense of humor. Well, men love women with a well-developed sense of humor also, and it sounds like the quirkier, the better.
One guy shared that he loves his wife’s songs about him, which come complete with bizarre titles that only make sense to the couple, further reinforcing their bond. The songs that a couple shares don’t have to be ones found on the jukebox or those remembered for playing on the radio during your first date. Unleash your inner songwriter and tease your guy in a non-mean manner. He’ll eat up your creativity and laugh for weeks or years about your silly lyrics.
Another guy said that when his girlfriend cracks up at her own jokes and then continues to laugh for several minutes afterward, he can’t help but laugh, too. Life is hard. Guys like to laugh. Many men will tell you that they like to surround themselves with people who make them laugh. Be one of those people! The more “out there” your humor is, the more it will probably appeal to your man. Activate your funny bone and see how your man responds. He’ll appreciate the comic relief.

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