Saturday 3 December 2011


Global Culture Of Women

“What if one woman told the truth about her life….?”

                                    Our Mission

...from the four corners of the earth and the four seasons of women's live we are weaving a tapestry across the globe ~ gathering women's stories, celebrating women's wisdom, cultivating a legacy in which all life is sacred...

We do not tell stories for entertainment. We tell them because they remind us of who we are, where we come from and to whom we belong. We tell stories to keep our souls alive and in relationship to, as opposed to separate from, the world around us. A culture without a story is a dangerous one. In the space of our forgetting it is possible to stand back and allow egregiousness to occur, repeated assaults on life itself, never mind to the spirit living within each of us. We are in a time of great forgetting, where cultures across the globe are either actively denigrating or being forced out of their ancient stories. Dreams, visions, wisdom that comes to us from the imaginal realms are no longer considered primary sources of information essential to the survival and thriving of life. 

From this place, the GCW invites all women to remember what lives deep within your heart and soul…what beings dream you at night and what images stalk you during your waking hours. We invite you to find women in your communities and sit with each other, daring to speak your non-linear, non-chronological stories, what Jean Houston has called your “Soulography”…what others call your “Personal Myth”. Both speaking and witnessing our powerfully life altering acts of love and remembering. We promise you will come out a different woman. You will come out as a Remembering Woman. And we also promise that the world is waiting for the Remembering Women.

(Link to A Story Gatherer’s Handbook)

My father raised me with the knowledge of wise women. He raised me so that I would know that there had been wise women, and that they had been destroyed, killed. He would give me books that were, sometimes, very hard to look at. They were historical documents…When I was teenager and didn't want to read he would say, ‘if you and your mother had lived in the middle ages chances are you wouldn't have survived.’ He told me I was a white witch. 
~ 56, Germany/USA

For all stories  click here:

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