Friday 9 December 2011

Enter the Coffee Talk Game Giveaway!

You and your peeps no longer need to cram yourself around one of those tiny Starbucks tables to get your fill of great conversation. Just openCoffee Talk , the latest and greatest game from Pressman Toys, and let the fun begin.
Coffee Talk, a new entry to the rapidly growing world of board games is two or more hours of  fun for you and one, two, or more of your gal pals. And unlike that popular hot elixir, Coffee Talk, is even more fun when accompanied by a nice bottle of wine.
With 300 topics, players are challenged to write down instantly what comes to mind when a topic like, say, “Las Vegas,” pops up.  Players get points for every unique answer that comes to mind in the allotted 45-seconds (timer provided in game pack). In the case of Vegas, for example, those answers might be “NewYork, New York,” or “The Strip.”
But points only go to answers that no other player has written down and that are accepted by other players as related to the topic.
Like all great games it starts simple. But then there are a lot of twists and turns, aided by the use of appropriately named wild cards like “Sugar Packets”, “Creamers”, and “Instant Coffee”.
You might even find yourself getting “Freeze Dried,” when you can’t come up with anything else to say about a chosen topic.
When members of the SMW staff were invited to play the game, the first thing that we all loved was the wildly inventive packaging. Wrapped in the guise of a one pound bag of premium coffee beans, you can’t help but smile when you hold it in your hand.
Another cool feature: the 300 topics, and 15 instant coffee cards, stay inside the packaging bag, which now serves as a sealed shaker to assure the next topic will be a surprise to all. (No peeking, please!) This element of quick surprise adds to the fun as well.
After two hours of laughs, you will be pleasantly surprised to find out how much you really know (or forgot) about topics ranging from Charlie Brown to Jay Leno.
One staffer summed up the experience of the game perfectly: “I love games that encourage great conversation. But Coffee Talk offered the added advantage of mixing a little bit of speed, a little bit of trivia. Seriously, we laughed all night long.”
The game can be purchased at Toys “R” Us, or

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